
You could end up for paying for an cardiff plumbers certificate that has no value!

Who's responsible for the electrical safety of your let - Call Cardiff Electrical?

As a landlord did you know that you are liable for any short comings in the safety of your properties irrespective of whether a third party has issued a certificate for the gas or electric safety of the property?   In the past a landlord could simply waive a certificate at an investigating authority. However, now the landlord must ensure that any electrical certificate is valid, has been issued by an accredited person and is fit for purpose.   Some organisations will issue an electrical safety certificate on which a number of vital tests have been omitted. Look for the tell tale ‘LIM’ (Limitation) or ‘N/A’ (Not Applicable). Ask the electrician or inspector why LIM or N/A has been applied to certain circuits. Make sure that this isn’t the inspectors way of saving time on site as he hasn’t priced to do the full set of tests that should normally be done.   You could end up for paying for an cardiff plumbers certificate that has no value!   As a guideline a 2-bed, 2-recept